Saturday, June 2, 2018

Fox and Nature Update - 6/2/2018

  Not much in the way of foxes these last few days.  We all have theories on exactly where they've gone or what fate may have waylaid them since they aren't popping up on the camera.  It's likely the rain, or possibly den relocation, or worse - but we're hopeful they're surviving, like the rest of the land here.  Holdin' on.

  Took some photos and moved one of the game cameras to get a potentially new angle on the foxes, and sure enough we spotted the mother and at least two of the kits skulking around in the back brush and woods near the pole barn.  My wife made sure we sat still while we waited to count, and never saw more than three.

  Three is better than none.

  And now, for some photos of other flowers, plants and animals, mainly some very brave Ibises.

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